MXML v0.1.0B - v0.1.3B Patch Notes and Post Launch Thoughts

Hello everyone!

The game has now officially released in beta, and the first few post-launch updates have been pushed. The patch notes are as follows:

3/16/2025 v0.1.1B

  • Fixed counter crashing
  • Fixed Quick Play not responding to the ready hotkey

3/16/2025 v0.1.2B

  • Fixed softlocks due to synchronization
  • Fixed several crashes related to modded buffs
  • Updated main menu to reflect beta release

3/18/2025 v0.1.3B

  • Game volume now defaults to 50%
  • Prevented joining games with an empty player name
    • This should hopefully lead new players to the settings menu
  • Fixed the buy button being broken
  • Updated the credits
  • Slightly updated style on the changelog
  • Updated game icon

I’m not certain what else to do exactly with these devlogs. Moving forwards, I’m likely going to do something similar to this–patch notes and possibly misc dev thoughts mixed in.

So far, not much has changed with the game, though I hope to fix this soon. Right now, my priority is the new player experience, as seen through the new updates. However, I also want to implement spectating as soon as I can, along with improved servers.

Right now, servers are literally just hosted off of my home computer. If servers ever go down, that’s why (sorry).

Please let me know if you find any new issues with the game; I’ll get them resolved as soon as I can (this can be through the discord or through any comments section)

Thank you for your time, and enjoy

-- Null


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